Nov 21 2007
Pepe & Poupoune (and Alison) make their first appearance on another website.
The context of these cones can be had here and here from the archives.
Aug 16 2007
For all readers who wants to read loglog in their RSS reader I’ve now enabled full feeds. You now not only get the photos but also the words, so you don’t have to click through anymore. If there are any problems please let me know.
Update 29 September, 2008:
<a href=”“>Full entries feed</a>
<a href=”“>Comments feed</a>
Sep 1 2004
[I’m too lazy to translate this. Try
for a computer translation.]
Om het feit te vieren dat ik dit weblog nu al een heel jaar(!) bijhoud ga ik naar de maandelijkse weblogmeeting. Twintig man/vrouw in een cafe die met elkaar praten over van alles en nog wat. Maar het was best gezellig, en er zitten potentieel aardige mensen tussen. Dus ik neem me voor om vaker te gaan.
Feb 26 2004
Heleen zeurt regelmatig dat ik teveel achter loop met mijn logs.Vandaar dat ik nu ben overgestapt op een nieuw systeem om te webloggen. In plaatst van alles met de hand in te typen (wat veel werks is en lastig want je maakt snel foutjes) doe ik het nu met MovableType.
Ik hoef nu ook niet iedere dag een foto bij het verhaaltje te doen, al zal ik wel proberen om die traditie wel zoveel mogelijk voort te zetten.
[de reakties op de eerste versie van deze log laat ik staan]
Sep 29 2008
Today Amazon brought me a package. In it were two books: one on programming and the other one is a cookbook. And what a cookbook it is. It is thick, and of coffee table format. The first 50(!) pages are filled with essays about food, cooking and the Alinea restaurant, and then follow another 350 pages with recipes, ordered by season.
It is self-made and self-published by the folks of the Alinea restaurant in Chicago. They couldn’t find a publisher so they did the publishing themselves. The chef wrote the text himself, the designer who designed the restaurant, their website and their house-style, designed the book, even though he never had designed a book before. His sister/wife/partner (I couldn’t find what their relationship is, but they share the same last name) made the photographs, even though she was also an amateur at that. But they took almost two year to make this book and during that time they sure got the hang of it. The dishes are real food, made during the daily prep in the restaurant, and not in a pantry kitchen in a food photographer’s studio with fake ingredients that just look good and don’t wilt. After just browsing in it for an hour or so I almost want to book a ticket to Chicago. I’m salivating.
The recipes all look quite simple, often requiring just between 4 and 10 ingredients. O wait, that’s is just one part of the dish. A dish often contains 4 parts but the recipes for those parts can be prepared ahead, all recipes end with phrases like “Store in airtight container”. The final part of the recipe contains instructions how to assemble and serve them as beautifully as in the restaurant. O boy do they look gorgeous.
I’m not a real foodie, I’m too poor to dine in expensive restaurants and too lazy to make elaborate recipes just for the two of us. I do cook (and like doing it) when we have friends over but that usually eats away (no pun intended) a whole weekend, including tidying up the house. We should do it more often, however.
Festive meals like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving are mostly spent with Alison’s family and the food is traditional turkey dinner (with nut-loaf for us pescatarians). But maybe I’m going to break that tradition soon.
And now for the best part: the book only cost me 35 dollars. I pre-ordered it a month ago on Amazon and received it today. But strangely enough the book is still marked as ‘not yet published’ so you might still be able to pre-order it for this amazing low price. (I feel like I’m on the shopping channel now: “But there is more…”)
The normal price in bookstores is $56. Even at that price it is a steal for an impressive book weighing just shy of three kilos.
Order Alinea at
O, and please also take a look at the Alinea book website for more pictures.
By mare • english, food, web •